Working With Multiple Records

Sometimes one request can create or affect several records in one or more tables in such cases its advisable to follow ACID properties. Yii2 supports transactions, isolation levels, and allow you to validate data independently.

For example when creating a credit, you also need to store the credit references and files associated to the credit.

public function actionCreate()
    $model = new Credit();
    $modelReferences = [new CreditRefence()];
    $modelFiles = [new CreditFile()];

    if (Yii::$app->request->isPost) {

        foreach (Yii::$app->requestPost($modelReferences[0]->formName())
            as $i => $data
        ) {
            $newModel = new CreditReference();
            $newModel->load($data, '');
            $modelReferences[$i] = $newModel;

        foreach (Yii::$app->requestPost($modelFiles[0]->formName())
            as $i => $data
        ) {
            $newModel = new CreditFile();
            $newModel->load($data, '');
            $newModel->file = UploadedFile::getInstance($newModel, "[$i]file");
            $modelFiles[$i] = $newModel;

        $transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction(

        try {
            $valid = $model->validate();
            $valid = Model::validateMultiple($modelReferences, [
                    // other fields, make sure to NOT include credit_id since
                    // the record has not been created yet.
                ]) && $valid;
            $valid =  Model::validateMultiple($modelFiles, [
                    // other fields, make sure to NOT include credit_id since
                    // the record has not been created yet.
                ]) && $valid;

            if ($valid) {
                // the model was validated, no need to validate it once more

                foreach ($modelReferences as $newModel) {
                    $newModel->credit_id = $model->id;

                foreach ($modelFiles as $newModel) {
                    $newModel->credit_id = $model->id;
                        '@webroot/uploads/' . $model->file->name

                return $this->redirect(['credit/view', ['id' => $model->id]]);
            } else {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new BadRequestHttpException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);

    return $this->render('create', [
        'model' => $model,
        'modelReferences' => $modelReferences,
        'modelFiles' => $modelFiles,


The steps followed in the example.

1 Check if the request can process the petition.

In this case we are assuming the controller already checked the user credentials using filter and at the action its enough to check if the petition is using the post method.

2 Create the models and load the user data to them

While there is only one credit, there might be many files and references

3 Start the transaction

Its important to start the transaction at this point since some validations like unique and exist might be necessary so we start the transaction here to avoid [Reading Phenomena] (

You should also notice that we created the transaction using yii\db\Transaction::SERIALIZABLE which is the highest [isolation level] (

4 Validate all the models

Its important to validate them all to show the user all the validation errors if necessary. Using an if statement like this

if ($model->validate() && Model::validateMultiple(...))

Is simpler to understand but if the first validation fails the second one won't be executed.

Also notice that we are not going to validate credit_id on the files and references since the credit has not been created yet.

4.1 if the validations fail, end the transaction with a rollBack() just in case any validation had updated anything

The action will then render the view and if you are using something like ActiveForm the user will see all the validation errors.

5 if the all the validations are successful we proceed to save all the models.

We will save them without validation since they were already validated and assign the credit_id to the files and references after the credit has been saved.

5.1 Catch any exception from the validation or saving and execute rollBack()

For debugging purposes we throw a new exception with the previous one so it can get caught by the Yii2 exception manager.

6 If no exception is thrown then commit() the changes.

After this you can include any success logic like redirects or new renders.

Operations Triggered by Events

Lets say you have two models Credit with attributes id and amount, and a CreditPayment model with attributes credit_id and amount. You want to update the Credit amount when a related CreditPayment is created.

class CreditPayment extends ActiveRecord
    public function afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes)
        parent::afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes);
        if ($insert === false) {
            return; // only work with newly created payments

        $this->credit->amount = $this->credit->amount - $this->ammount;
        if ($this->credit->amount <= 0) {
            $this->credit->status = Credit::STATUS_PAYMENT_FINISHED;

        if ($this->credit->save(false) === false) {
            throw new Exception("credit couldn't be update");

    public function getCredit()
        return $this->hasOne(Credit::className(), ['id' => 'credit_id']);

If any exception is thrown in this method, then the payment will be saved but it won't affect the amount on the credit.

We can encapsulate all the operation on a transaction very simply using the method yii\db\ActiveRecord::transactions()

public function transactions()
    return [
        self::SCENARIO_DEFAULT => self::OP_INSERT,